Labyrinth (1986)
Websites dedicated to my favorite movie ever of all time. The Mother of All Hyperfixations. Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.
Dream Peaches A fansite run by a published author. Contains forums, useful tips for fanfiction writers, articles scholarly and otherwise, and links to owl conservation groups.
Think Labyrinth! A veritable Labyrinth shrine. Contains audio files, images of merchandise, promotional material, the original script, and a transcript of the film.
Think Labyrinth! also contains many links to other Labyrinth fansites, but most of them are defunct. The next two websites listed here were those I could salvage.
The Goblins' Library An archive of Labyrinth-related books, including the novelization, photo album, storybooks, and selections from Brian Froud's Goblin Companion.
Dreamspinner An archived website belonging to the late Sean-Perrin Parker. Along with her Labyrinth fanfiction, the site also hosts Parker's original fantasy writing.