MORE Writing Resources!

Not to be mistaken for this page, which is for websites that help with the actual process of writing itself.

The following page is meant to help with motivation, research, and themes.

Springhole A foundational website during my youth. Aims to help with writing, roleplaying, art, and general media literacy.

Mythcreants Articles for fantasy and science fiction writers. Particularly focused on responsible and socially-conscious writing.

RPNation Forums for finding roleplays, roleplayers, and roleplaying tips.

DND 5th Edition A compendium of information for creating a Dungeons and Dragons character.

Limyaael (LiveJournal) Discussions on tropes, genre conventions, and writerly pet peeves.

Limyaael (InsaneJournal) See above.

Fantasy Name Generators Name generators for characters and places. Some writing advice, too!

Behind the Name Character names from different cultures and time periods.

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