"An Assortment of Forgotten Realms Figures of Speech"
I'm well aware that Lyres For Hire did not invent the idea of fantasy idioms; but it would be remiss of me to ignore the fact that "An Assortment" wouldn't exist without them.
I love things like this: in-universe idioms and folktales and myths and legends and superstitions and misconceptions and malapropisms. They make a world feel so much more... real. Lived in. Like the people in it, however fantastical they may be, really aren't all that different from us. It's something I always fixate on whenever it comes up in stories, and something I seek to emulate in my own work; so "An Assortment" is me trying my hand at it.
"An Assortment" is also yet another glimpse into my need for spontaneity: I write these phrases as they come to me, for fear that actually sitting down to think about them will make them seem forced. It's also the work that made me realize this insistence upon spontaneity is a serious problem that I'm going to have to work on going forward. Not everything is going to be perfect from the outset, writing isn't always fun, and I need to come to terms with that.